Added crucified for 50 years the most popular saint in Italy, Padre Pio, stoically bore the signs of bleeding stigmata - the marks of injuries on the sufferings of Christ.
The pilgrims to the monastery, where Pius lived in a single cell in the extreme south of Italy, and his reputation always seemed safe when he was canonized by the popular all-time Pope John Paul II.
Padre Pio's hands "delete" for what many believe was influenced by the stigma
'San false stigmata by pouring acid on their hands "
now appear in a special touch just five years after the canonization of documents that was extensive on the bearded saint simply a fraud.
A controversial new book bears the marks are not a miracle, but the pain was self-inflicted.
Based on the document itself is a file from the Vatican, Sergio Luzzatto, Italian historian, said the priest used carbolic acid to create clean wounds and worsen the course of his life.
For believers, is nothing less than sacrilege. First, the pope is infallible, and in particular, the late Pope John Paul II enjoyed a reputation for wisdom.
Then there is the immense popularity of the father of Catholics in the world.
But Padre Pio has not always been so popular with the Vatican.
Between the dark lines ignored his vows of chastity, and seduce women, even in the confessional, religious authorities have done their best years to discourage the hero worship, the priest surrounded always magnetic.
Pie has been dead 40 years, in 1968, but still many supporters in the world enormously. Italian celebrities love. Sophia Loren and blind tenor Andrea Bocelli are among his ardent fans and he really is the patron saint of taxi drivers in Italy.
The town of San Giovanni Rotondo, where the father lived, the man of the cloth a unique position just below that of the Virgin Mary.
While most of the saints that some supernatural gifts that show has traditionally been of the opinion that Padre Pio is to have everything: a lovely fragrance of violets and roses, had the conviction, conversion, to heal the sick and could predict the future.
The most remarkable is that he thought he had the gift of "ubiquity" - the ability to be in two places.
While praying in a church in his hometown, was also in the sky, while U.S. bombers dropped their load.
Pius real name Francesco Forgione, was born in 1887 to farmers who live near Foggia, on the east coast of Italy.
A poor student, entered a convent of Capuchin novice at the age of 15 years, exacerbating health problems by the penance.
At age 23, was diagnosed with TB to stop the disease in a miraculous way.
But it was when the bleeding stigmata on the night appeared the body of Padre Pio was a real "celebrities."
On October 22, 1918, wrote to his pastor, describing how it took place.
"Celebrate the morning of 20 months, the choir after the show, I sleep like a sweet dream. Suddenly filled with great peace and abandonment which explains everything and makes a pause in the agitation.
All this happened in an instant.
"During this time, I saw before me a mysterious person .... your hands, feet and side were drops of blood.
The sight made me shudder, and what I felt at that moment is indescribable.
"I thought I would die, and should really dead, if the Lord had not intervened and strengthened my heart to jump on the chest.
"The vision disappeared and I noticed that my hands and feet and side were dripping with blood. Imagine the agony I experienced and continue to suffer almost every day. "
Padre Pio, the bleeding wounds to the end of his life, the liquid which, after a sweet scent of violets.
The court refused to heal and lost so much as a cup of blood per day.
This show dramatic and unexplained lot of envy and disbelief.
Church officials were skeptical.
In 1919, a year after the stigmata appeared, a young pharmacist called Maria De Vito, "said the priest had bought four grams of carbolic acid to her and asked her to secrecy.
overwhelming testimony of Mary was was in the Vatican by the local bishop as proof of Padre Pio use of fireworks, presented to improve your reputation.
A doctor examined her father stops suppurating wounds, carried out two tests to measure and describe changes on either side of the heart, Pie, in the form of a cross is long and 4 inches.
But he could not find a natural explanation for them.
None of this soothed the ecclesiastical authorities suspect that contribute to Padre Pio, gloves, and forbade him to celebrate Mass tells
But the priest does not need a justification in the eyes of the faithful and pilgrims flocked to San Giovanni from the world, creating a large tourism industry.
When he left the show again some 26 years later, he celebrated had enough money to build a much needed local hospital received, attracting contributions from around the world.
Despite his skepticism, the Vatican, the faithful, has kept most women attended each fair, evidence of the confession.
Some supporters shred with a pair of scissors in the tunic of a memory.
This problem has led to an unprecedented religious racket since the Middle Ages.
Gangsters, the benefits of pilgrims to the local station, to extort large sums of money in exchange for a guarantee that his father heard their confessions.
Bandages soaked in blood of chickens sold in the forecourt of the church and go through the injuries associated with his father.
In the last years of his life, do not eat anything. The doctors were surprised that their loss of blood per day and dietary intake to less than allowing it to survive.
Also alarming is the high fever he had suffered.
Temperatures were so high that the normal thermometer was insufficient, and doctors determined that he used for horses.
There were terrible incidents, although it was under attack as violent, the devil appeared to be attacked.
Padre Pio's health was so bad that the medical evidence suggested he would have died several times. Instead, they stand up to the age of 81 years and even predicted the date of death.
Yet more evidence of his sanctity was when the doctors could not find a drop of blood in the body of Pius. Immediately after his mysterious death injuries have healed completely in 50 years, without scars.
In 2000, when Pope John Paul came to his aid and canonized this extraordinary, and the decision should silence the skeptics.
It is therefore not surprising that this week, very few people in a good word for his accuser, Mr Luzzatto. Luzzatto - is a Jew - is probably only weak evidence raised the Vatican in an attempt by the priests and the church refused to condemn the summer.
Sun Padre Pio was a fraud? Whatever the answer, millions of people are willing to suffer the wrath of their enemies and to believe, anyway.
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