An accident or a coma, and life changed. They were millions in the world to glimpse what is after death. Pure hallucination? More ...
"I remember shouting 'I do not want to die!" With all my strength, but it was not heard. Immediately the sound of iron magnified reached me, unpleasant. On January 12, 1961, Solange clinic to give birth to her second child. But childbirth is an inexplicable turn. "Already, I found myself more alive than ever, slight. I wandered the room, looked indifferent, my body and doctors were working around. The walls moved away. Everything was brighter. Attracted by an omnipotent force, at a speed unmatched as magnetic but without vertigo, I committed myself in a narrow tunnel, dark. "
Thus begins one of the most moving and most complete evidence of experience at the frontier of death, or EFM (*), we could collect. But give back the floor to Solange. Not very comfortable, she feels progress, still very fast. A bright spot appears. "I walked towards him. It became increasingly large, increasingly bright and it attracted me. And then the light appeared to me like a gigantic sun. I heard my name pronounced, and my grandfather was with me. He was beaming. He said: "Come." Then a classmate, who had left ten years approached. It was beautiful, shining light of love and she encouraged me. So I went into this ocean of light, and there is no word. I always got more energy, more and more love, a communion so that I became light, love, power omnipotent. "
The light is more intense, and she invites him to watch his life. Solange feels that energy overdrive, a welfare veering to happiness without limit. And then this incredible feeling. "Now I'm in a great understanding that if I become the Whole, I know everything, and moreover, it is simple, easy to understand. I am that knowledge. I want to remember. " Wonderful but fleeting moment. "I see she left me, I removed it. I'll always be nostalgic for this knowledge, I knew, and I do not know. I looked everywhere. I was looking time. There was no time in this reality, the time did not exist. .
"I expressed a desire, a desire for freedom of movement, then the light full of love I looked, asked," Will you return to earth? She showed me a few passages of my life to come here and asked if it would not be too difficult. It was great trials. Filled with such power and energy of love, I say "yes." It was a choice. 43 years ago now, I have lived this experience. It is still present in me, and nothing can erase or mitigate. "An exceptional case, Solange? Not at all. Since the 70s and the popularization of EFM by American physician Raymond Moody, evidence has been reported in all latitudes and in the most varied circumstances: birth, cardiac arrest, shock, hemorrhage, drowning, asphyxia, complications of 'surgery, attempted suicide.
In the United States, 30% of those resuscitated shared this experience, claimed the first American researchers whose cardiologist Michael Sabom. In this country, a survey in 1988 estimated the number of witnesses of EFM to 8 million. In 2001 a medical study conducted in the Netherlands has reduced the frequency of these experiences to 12%. Undoubtedly these data are they still under-estimated. Indeed, numbers of witnesses choose to hide their experience, unable to translate its content and the emotion it has generated. Some try their hand to speak about them, usually at the hospital. Before the reception skeptic personnel and their families, they remain silent. On average, witnesses EFM take five to ten years to express their once lived. Some do not say a word.
What then tested these "millions" of people? A journey into the afterlife? Such was the conviction of Raymond Moody, now shared by a majority of those who lived it. Curiously, however, the Catholic Church looks with confidence that this phenomenon has never sought to use as proof of life after death. Moreover, doctors and scientists agree not to see a supernatural event. And rightly so, because science, with the criteria of truth of its own, is not "equipped" to address the issue of Beyond.
This did not prevent scientific studies to succeed, as evidence of FSM were themselves more likely due to advances in resuscitation techniques. Alas, it is not easy to compare because they do not define all so similar, what a FSM. However, regardless of education, culture, social origin or age of controls (children also live in the FSM), experiments are described following a number of steps. Five of them, all presented in the narrative of Solange, recur frequently but rarely sets: the removal from the body aspiration in a tunnel, immersion in a light where the meeting place of people known and unknown , and finally back pain in the body (see all photos in this article).
For the overwhelming majority of doctors and specialists, no doubt: the explanation is to look towards the brain. When faced with the prospect of his own end, our noble body would begin to dysfunction, resulting in a battery of hallucinations. In 2002, the discovery of a neurologist at the hospital in Geneva confirmed this hypothesis. By spreading across a small electrical current in the temporal cortex of a patient with epilepsy (see drawing below XXX), Dr. Olaf Blanke have caused that person to feel out of the body and saw himself as floating two meters above itself.
Before him, the psychiatrist Karl Jansen, of the Maudsley Hospital in London, found that intravenous injections of ketamine, a drug classified as a narcotic-possible to artificially cause the steps of a FSM. But ketamine alter the "normal" in some neurons and active on their surface receptors, called NMDA receptors, likely to hallucinate. However, Jansen says, this assumption is not intended to apply to all the FSM and it is not inconsistent with other theories.
In fact, neuroscientists recognize that they can not explain the FSM in detail ... but that is the case with many phenomena in the brain! However, in this task, they will take into account disturbing findings recorded by some of their colleagues.
In 2001 the Dutch cardiologist Pim van Lommel published a survey ringing in The Lancet, a leading medical journals in the world. After ten years of investigation in ten Dutch hospitals over 355 people in a state of clinical death, no respiration or pulse, it finds that the testimony of EFM are rare (12%). And that scarcity problem: why, if the reaction is 'normal' brain at risk, is there not more patients to testify?
In the course of his study, he falls on stories incomprehensible. As one of this man of 44 years, inert, in a state of clinical death, which begins resuscitation in an ambulance. To slip him a breathing tube in his throat, a nurse withdraws his dentures. After an hour and a half of effort, the patient returned to life. A week later the nurse visit and ... Surprise! Now he recognizes, calls him his dentures, accurately described the inside of the ambulance, then little room resuscitation. As if he had seen over the whole time he was unconscious!
Other cases, even more disturbing, reported by Michael Sabom: a young American made the brain and whose electroencephalogram becomes suddenly flat, reflecting a total absence of brain electrical activity. And yet revived, she said she had an intense EFM while this is theoretically impossible with a brain HS!
It is not surprising that Pim Van Lommel writes in his conclusions: "The idea, supported so far, but never proven, that consciousness and memory are located in the brain should be discussed. Clearly, if our mind has need of our brain to exist, it does not stop there-it would be hasty to interpret as evidence of the existence of the soul.
He is not alone in defending this position in 2001, Sam Parnia, a doctor at General Hospital Southampton (England) publishes, in association with his colleague Peter Fenwick, a study on the FSM to the United Kingdom. And he also noted: "Some patients appear to have received information during their period of unconsciousness. In this case, it suggests that part of the human conscience is able to separate from the body of information remotely. "A pretty good idea stripping ... but Parnia mania with tweezers: "It is not excluded that the reported information have been obtained through sources sensory quite ordinary.
In 1997, an investigation headed by Kenneth Ring, professor of psychology at the University of Connecticut (USA) gave a little more hazy the issue of FSM. She was taken to blind people, including several blind from birth, who underwent resuscitation. Some of them said they had an EFM and remember their removal from the body and the "vision" of their resuscitation with many details. How blind can he claim to have seen? In fact, things are not so simple, as expressed in one of the topics: "It was not visual. It was almost like something to touch, except it was obviously quite impossible that I could touch anything from there. I could hear it all in my mind. " And Kenneth Ring postulate that these blind as anyone living a FSM, lived a mysterious state of consciousness, Mindsight-literally, "to mind" - which allowed them to see things quite differently .
But the prize for discovering the most troubling is the fact that these experiences can be lived without proximity to death at such a relaxed state (rest, communion with nature, yoga, etc..) The "EFM" would then not be the FSM ... a "detail" about: Only those who have escaped death are disrupted their lives. Indeed, over the years, their values will then toward altruism, helping others. Death is feared more than any. And life is regarded as a sacred value that should not stop, even though many aspire to find this "dimension" in which they were immersed briefly. This feeling is shared by those who experienced an FSM after attempting suicide, in their majority, they do not reoffend.
(*) We prefer to talk of "border experience of death" rather than "near-death experience", a term often used but incorrect translation of English Near-death experience.
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